Let’s face it. Life is crazy. All of us face a wide variety of obstacles on a daily basis and before you know it those things can start to throw you in to a bad mood. Whether you are stressed out about work, school, or relationships there seems to always be something going on that is trying to pull you down. There are many different things that you can do to try to get yourself back on track and in a better mood whether it be exercise, meditation, reading, or just taking a long drive to clear your head. My favorite thing to do is to put on my headphones and listen to some of my favorite motivational tracks. These are just a few of the songs that help to lift my spirits when life starts to get the better of me.
5) Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles
This song is timeless. The upbeat tempo and overall cheery sound just makes you want to smile. The song itself talks about that very moment after a storm when its all finally said and done and you can rest easy again. The sun is just starting to come back around and you know then that everything is going to be okay.
The song was actually written and sung by George Harrison during a time in his life when he was stressed out and feeling down over the business side of music. When asked what the song meant to him he had this to say:
“Here Comes the Sun” was written at the time when Apple (the Beatles’ record label) was getting like school, where we had to go and be businessmen: ‘Sign this’ and ‘sign that.’ Anyway, it seems as if winter in England goes on forever, by the time spring comes you really deserve it. So one day I decided I was going to sag off Apple and I went over to Eric Clapton’s house. The relief of not having to go see all those dopey accountants was wonderful, and I walked around the garden with one of Eric’s acoustic guitars and wrote “Here Comes the Sun.”
4) Dancing With Myself – Billy Idol
This song has long been on my list of “guilty pleasure” tracks. I get it. It’s cheesy. But it is also fantastic. It is ’80s music at its very finest. The original version of the single, which was released in 1980, was much heavier than the version that we are most familiar with today. Billy Idol re-released the song in 1981 after toning down the “aggressive guitar” sound and instead brought out more of the pop vibe that better fits the mood of the song. Since its release it has become somewhat of a sports anthem and has been featured in many movies and television shows. If you are having a bad day just give this song a listen and it’s sure to make you want to dance.
3) Beautiful Day – U2
The lyrics to this song really say it all:
“It’s a beautiful day.
Don’t let it get away.
It’s a beautiful day.”
This is the kind of song that you need on days when you are just in the mood to not even bother getting out of bed. When it feels like your world is crumbling it is hard to fathom that the world is still going on around you. Don’t waste a perfectly beautiful day laying in bed being sad. Get up and grab life and do your best to make your day a great one. You don’t have to be happy. Just don’t waste your days.
2) Three Little Birds – Bob Marley
I really can’t even count how many times I have been having a rough day and happened to look up to see three little birds sitting on a wire. I instantly smile and Bob Marley starts to ring through my head singing:
“Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause every little thing ‘gonna be alright.”
Bob Marley is known for his laid back attitude and focus on positive thinking. Anytime that you find yourself feeling down I recommend just putting on some Marley. If you are out running around getting things done and aren’t able to listen then simply stop, pull up his lyrics on your phone, and read his lyrics. His words alone are enough to brighten anyone’s day.
1) Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
Be honest. Are you really surprised that this is my number one pick? But how could it not be? It is the ultimate “pick me up” anthem. Since its release in 1981 it has become one of the top selling catalog tracks in digital history. This song is more about the music for me than the lyrics. The words “Don’t stop believin’…” don’t even come up in the song until closer to the end (with about :50 left). Don’t get me wrong, though. The lyrics are amazing. The song is full of hope and anticipation. The lyrics tell a story that makes you feel like every day holds endless possibilities. If you are feeling burnt out just take a few moments to blast this song as loud as you can. Sing it at the top of your voice, even if you can’t sing. Dance badly to it. It is my number one “pick me up” song and I guarantee that it will put a smile on your face.
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