If you’re anything like me then you have just finished binge watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix and you are now completely lost as to what to watch next. Well, I have the answer: Small Town Security. The show, which originally aired on AMC, is now one of the top rated shows currently streaming on Netflix.
Set in the town of Ringgold, GA, the reality based show gives us a glimpse in to the lives of the employees of JJK Security and Investigations. Once you start watching you won’t be able to stop. You’ll be completely drawn in by not only the humor but the bond that is evident between the team, which is really more like a family. From Chief’s (Joan Koplan) refreshing attitude of being completely herself regardless of what anyone else thinks, to Christa’s bubbly spirit, and Major’s (Irwin Koplan) antics – you can’t help but to love them all. But, for me, one stood out from all of the rest – Captain Dennis Starr.
Captain Starr’s devotion to not only his team but to his craft cannot be ignored. His wit is on point. And he is always looking for ways to not only better himself but the world around him. He has a mind full of ideas and is always ready to take on whatever task needs to be done. He is a man to be respected and admired.
I was given the opportunity to speak with Captain Starr recently. I asked him one question: What are the top five songs that get you pumped up to go out every day and do what you do? As expected, he did not disappoint. The reality star talks music and motivation with his list of songs that get him ready to face the day. Some of the songs on his list are ones that I was familiar with. Others I quickly went to listen to for the first time (and loved!). But I believe that his list has something for all of us.
1) “Motivational songs…well…one is not a song but a speech. Patton’s speech and the instrumental immediately following.” (Portrayed in the movie Patton)
2) KMFDM’s song “Ultra” from the album Nihil
3) KMFDM’s “Juke Joint Jezebel” from the album Nihil
4) “Hotel California” – The Eagles
5) “Set Fire to the Rain” – Adele
Thank you, Captain Starr. You make the world not only a safer place but brighter as well. It has not gone unnoticed. Keep on shining and changing the world!
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