Why do I love musing on music? In my adolescence, I had many questions as children often do. An insatiable curiosity. InĀ a world of wonderment. These were not conventional questions. Not about why the sky was blue. Or why we could only see the moon at night. These were questions about my life. I didn’t understand a great many things. I felt lost. I didn’t know my family, my parents, or my brothers and sisters. I spent the early part of my childhood wandering from one household to another. I often just observed the people around me. Trying to understand human behavior. As young as I was then, I should’ve been wondering more about child relevant things like marbles, chase-master, hide-and-go-seek etc. Instead, I wanted to know why my life was so different from the other kids in school. I was mistaken for a mute because I never spoke. I wasn’t sure whom to trust. None of the adults then seemed to any have interest in my desire for answers. I never thought I would ever have answers. Until I first heard music. Musing on music has been routine for me ever since.
I grew up in the 80’s. The older crowd then, still listened to old Motown songs in addition to current Billboard songs of the time along with Reggae. While the elders sat around involved in adult conversations, I sat listening to the melody of the music playing aloud on old record players and cassette tape radios. Artists such as Stevie Wonder, The Supremes, Al Green, Michael Jackson, The Isley Brothers, Bob Marley, Earth Wind and Fire, Marvin Gaye and many more soared over the conversations and pulled me into another world. Provoked my soul to listen closely. I began to understand the lyrics. I began to feel the emotions. I began to relate to the way each artist felt. And it forever changed the course of my curiosity.
I directed my attention to every song that played on the radio or record player. I started to interpret messages in the music that defined moments in my life. And used them to understand the actions and reactions of people. Music helped me to realize I wasn’t the only person in the world that was going through tribulations. I learned about love and human emotion through music. It immediately fascinated me. I attribute music with helping to ‘raise’ me in a cold world. When it seemed no one cared. Immersed in song, it drove me to be expressive and achieve a level of creativity I was unaware of.
I would sing when I was alone. Listen and write down every lyric to every song I knew. Read it and applied it in speech. I became much more efficient with public speaking and literature. No one else knew of my passion. I kept it a secret for years until my 4th grade school year when my English teacher gave us an assignment…..writing poetry. Because of the years of musings, and jotting down lyrics, the prose format of poetry came naturally. My thoughts manifested itself on paper as I wrote like someone possessed by words. My teachers were impressed, realizing that I was advanced in creative writing. They encouraged me to write more, and entered me in poetry contests. I didn’t have the confidence then. Was not ready for the world to know my secret. I withdrew from the lime light. And along the way, every English teacher I had, recognized my ability and each tried to groom me. But still I refused. They didn’t understand that I wasn’t driven by the desire for fame, fortune or recognition.
Even today, I simply just enjoy music. Enjoy all it encompasses. Love to listen to music, play musical instruments, and write lyrics and poetry. Music has helped me discover who I am. Assisted me through some of the darkest times in life. Gave me insight to relationships. Softened my approach to life in a time when I hardened myself to fight life. Without music, I fear my mind, heart and soul wouldn’t have developed as it has, and I would be another cog in the vicious cycle of a violent upbringing.
Now that I am older, I know that I should’ve shared my music when the chance presented itself. So that others would be as inspired as I am by music. But as it’s been said, it’s never too late. Coincidentally, my best bud Jeremy devised this site and proposed to me an opportunity to share my passion with the world. I am elated to have a second chance, to be a part of something bigger than myself because it would NEED to be after all the music I have mused on through all my years.
I will be posting music videos, song lyric quotes, artist profiles, new artist reviews, and music related articles with the hopes of bringing everyone together under the common denominator of music. If you feel inclined, please leave me your comments and opinions as to what motivates you to muse on music. I would love to hear from ya’!
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